My muse |
Yesterday I participated in my first NaNoWriMo discussion on Twitter! It was featuring the topic of #NaNoPrep and discussing how everyone was preparing their stories for the quickly approaching month of November! I was so surprised how many people actually had real discussions with me and even started following as a result of those discussions! It really does go to show you how important team building is for NaNoWriMo because just chatting about my writing for that short 15 minutes or so that I joined in really got me excited and pumped for writing. That makes sense, since my writers group has been giving me the same energy as well when it comes to getting excited about writing. It is so crucial to be excited about your writing and to have others be excited sure as hell helps! We went over how detailed of outlines we were creating, the music we use to get inspired, etc....and I adored every moment of it! I need a sharped eye for when these discussions are taking place because this was really the boost I needed to get excited about writing again.
Which brings me to my second topic: vlogs. Yesterday, in all my flurries of excitement, I threw it out there that I've been very interested in creating vlogs for NaNoWriMo and wanted to know if that interested anyone out there. Instead of being met with silence, I actually had people interested! I still have a long way to go with my editing skills and I desperately need a camera better than my pathetic web camera on my laptop, but I super inthralled with the idea of vlogging my journey. I noticed vloggers I follow who vlogged during NaNoWriMo were able to build much larger writing communities to discuss and write with! I would love to build my own circle of fellow writers and I feel like youtube would be a great platform to reach out! Would any of you be interested in that? I guess it would be similar to these articles, just a bit more personal with you know...my face? Haha!
Ugh...got to head off to the "real world" and do some adulting. Maybe someday I will do this for a living?
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