we are going to get a little girly; fanboys, you have been warned. I've
been trying to figure out my identity as the Patchwork Nerd these last few days
and in doing so I've
began exploring the different looks I'd like to have for
future videos. Unfortunately, it might be a while before we see that, but
I thought what better to do than explore what I think makes a good nerd look.
So here we go! These are some of the pieces I think would be
perfect for the ultimate Nerdy Girl get-up!
start with a top. I'm a steampunk/oldfashion kind of girl, so what better
way to show that off than with high collars, flowy sleeves and puffy shoulders.
I picked the following two shirts to cover many different bases. The
black top will satisfy the need for long sleeves (for us gals afraid of our arms) and the black is always a classic. I adore the yellow, shot-sleeve
top because it allows us pale girls to get some desperately need sun while
giving us an adorable pop of color! The upper part of the shirt is sheer,
leaving lots of fun for our fanboy's imagination without causing the wearer to
fall out of the top. The pattern is fun an intricate. I could
easily wear either of these out, depending on the weather!
How do we show off those lovely lady legs? Shorts! Ladies don't run! I used to be terrified of showing my legs. It didn't
matter what the weather was outside, it was long, thick jeans or not going out.
It wasn't until last year that I finally gave in. My boyfriend is
an active soccer player, with many outdoor games, in the sun...during the
summer. It only took a few games of steamy heat to convince me
that I needed to find a better fashion choice. I fell
in love with wearing shorts! They are cool (temperature wise), flirty,
and a great way to drive your fanboy wild! I discovered that I actually
have great looking legs (after much denial) and I loved letting the warm sun tickle
my skin. By the end of the summer I had a full armory of shorts and
(GASP!) a tan!
Let's begin our decent into showing our legs off nice and slow. How about
a skirt that looks like shorts? Or (even better!) a skirt with darling
suspenders for that classically nerdy pop! I think these brown shorts not
only look perfect for dressing up, but dressing down for small get togethers or
porch D&D games! Give it a try, girls. Breaking personal
boundaries can be a jolly good time!
okay. If you aren't ready to show off those legs there are other
options! How about a cute pair of pants? These grey trousers are a
real winner for me because they are a clever, unique fit and the little peep
of ankle is great for summer and for getting transitioned into a pair of
shorts! (Okay, no more pushing the shorts, I swear!)
how about something a little dressier? These mosaic styled leggings
scream PERFECT to my inner patchwork lover! Follow it by a dress that
drapes so relaxed against your body with bright pops of color and you will be
the hit of any party, con, or get-together you go to! It doesn't hurt
that the dress I found is from the King of Project Runway All-stars himself,
Mondo. I could wear every one of his pieces on every day of the week and never
get bored.
time for my favorite part: SHOES! I'm a girl who is short with a stubby
body, tiny waist, and wide hips. Long story short I have a heck of a time
finding clothes that fit (and flatter) all these areas. Shoes, on the
other hand (or should I say foot?) almost always fit as long as you know your
size. As a result, my shoe collection has blown-up into it's own monster.
What kind of shoe dominates my collection, you may ask? Boots!
I live is a cold climate and boots never go out of style for long.
I'm pretty sure I own at least eight pairs and I don't see the number
shrinking anytime soon! I can't get enough of a good pair of lace-up
boots with shinny buckles! This pairs is a winner.
summer is on its way and flats might be the better choice. What better
way to show off my inner Patchwork Nerd than by flaunting these patchy

second pair I chose for the conversation as well. That conversation
centers on the materials. The heels are designed to look like the
spins of a book! I'm not sure if they are made of recycled materials but
I applaud it if they are!
Ladies (and perhaps a FEW gentlemen!) I hope I've helped influence your nerdy
looks. Keep an eye out for my future article on Nerdy Accessories!
Again, it's such a joy getting to "Nerd-out" to you all! I hope you keep with me! Next time we can look forward to something that is great for nerd regardless of gender: THE HUNGER GAMES!
talk people! Do you have a favorite nerd item to wear? Guys!
What nerdy stuff do you wear? Post a comment or a picture.
I'd love to see! Are there other items you'd like to see on a
future list? Feel free to drop me a line!
next time, stay nerdy!
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