This isn't the first time I've put in my two cent in about Michael Bay's production of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. If you'd like to catch up with my thoughts, visit here
As you might have noticed, I was one of the very few who decided to give Bay a chance after he released the detail that our turtle buddies were going to be, in fact, alien creatures. And hey, with recent developments, he actually announced there would be NO ALIENS IN HIS MOVIE! This was a ray of hope amongst so much bad. I called for Bay to give us something encouraging, a spark of hope amongst so much fanboy doubt, but instead he's gave us this....
Megan Fox is on track to play April O'Neil in the new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie....
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Get it out now, kiddies |
I've really tried my best to collect my thoughts on this subject. At first I wanted to scream out at the top of my lungs "BAY YOU'VE FINALLY TAKEN THIS TOO FAR!" I wanted to jump up and down, screaming like a little girl about how my childhood was being stabbed in the face, but I soon realized I needed to step back from this anger and identify why I was so upset.
Was I mad that my choice for April was being overlooked?
In all honestly yes. Let's be honest, there has never been a casting in a modern take on a nerd franchise that was not met with opposition.
In all honestly yes. Let's be honest, there has never been a casting in a modern take on a nerd franchise that was not met with opposition.
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Case and point |
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....and again |
Was I mad at the choice of Megan Fox?
After thinking about this I decided, not really. I'm really not familiar enough with Megan Fox's performances to judge her as an actress. I remember her being the villain in some Lindsey Lohan movie that no one remembers and of course I remember her as being that half naked chick in Transformers. I soon decided that it really wasn't much to go off of as far as reasons to place hatred go. Sure I disagree with girls who jump head first into the sex symbol category, but then again, why shouldn't girls be proud of their bodies either? I guess that bring me to my next internal question.
Was I mad at what hiring Megan Fox was insinuating for what April will become?
Let's face it kiddies, Megan Fox is known best for one thing. Not for her talent as an actress (though I'm sure opinions on that vary), not for her work as a speaker-- no Megan Fox is know for this....
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[Insert all your dirty thoughts here and NOT my comment section] |
Is this really what people want April to be? There are many variations on what April has been throughout the years. A reporter, a scientist, a girl with the ability to kick butt. But a sex symbol?
Am I making myself clear yet? April is supposed to be the every girl. She was our link as normal people into this fantastical word. I could connect with her because she was just an average girl with average looks who managed to become something special. Hollywood is losing focus on making a real connect between a movies characters and their audience. By making April look so beyond the norm it is making the movie too far fetch and hard to reach. Granted I understand that a movie about giant turtles in the adolescents is not exactly easy to make relatable, but we have seen them do it before, haven't we?
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See the difference? |
I'm sorry, Bay. I really want to love this movie. I keep giving you a chance, but can you please make April something real. We need ground in the real world to help us reach out. Something familiar to remind us of home. Thoughts? Babble is over.